Neelima Jeychandran

Humanities Research Fellow

Education: PhD, University of California LA


About Neelima

Neelima Jeychandran was a Research Fellow in the Humanities Research Fellowship Program in academic year 2015-16.

Jeychandran is a scholar of visual cultures and performances of South Asia and West Africa. She has also worked as an independent curator on several ethnographic and contemporary art exhibitions. She was awarded a PhD in Culture and Performance from University of California, Los Angeles in June 2014. Her dissertation research was funded by the Fowler Museum at UCLA and Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Mellon Fellowship and other institutions such as the UCLA International Institute and the Smithsonian Institution.



Book Chapters

Jeychandran, Neelima. “Exhibiting Fraught Histories of Migrations: Museums in Elmina, Ghana.” In Global Mobilities: Refugees, Exiles, and Immigrants in Museums and Archives, ed. Amy Levin, 87-104. Routledge, 2016.

Jeychandran, Neelima. “Marginalized Narratives: Memory Work at African Shrines in Kochi, India.” In Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting, eds. Maria Theresia Starzmann and John R. Roby, 111-130. University of Florida Press, 2016.

Jeychandran, Neelima. “Specter of War, Spectacle of Peace: The Lowering of Flags Ceremony at the Wagah and Hussainiwala Border Outposts.” In Choreographies of 21st Century Wars, eds. Gay Morris and Jens Richard Giersdorf, 181-202. Oxford University Press, 2016.

