Esmat Elhalaby

Humanities Research Fellow

Education: BA, University of California, Los Angeles; PhD, Rice University

Research Areas: Global intellectual history, colonialism and anti-colonialism, the global south


About Esmat

Esmat Elhalaby is a historian of the Middle East and Research Fellow at NYU Abu Dhabi. Elhalaby's research focuses on the Middle East's global connections, particularly its links with South Asia. His current book project, Parting Gifts of Empire: Palestine, India, and the Making of the Global South, is an intellectual history of partition from the standpoint of its victims.




Elhalaby, Esmat. “Empire and Arab Indology.” Modern Intellectual History 19, no. 4 (2022): 1081-1105.

Elhalaby, Esmat. “America’s Areas.” American Quarterly 71, no. 1 (2019): 233-246.



“Parting Gifts of Empire: Palestine, India, and the Making of the Global South”

